Aurélie Swiderek


After training in France, the UK, and Germany and accumulating work experience in law firms and the European legal departments of several big international groups, Aurélie Swiderek was admitted to the bar and joined Lmt Avocats in late 2016. Previously an assistant researcher for a few years for the Chair of private law and co-Director of the Centre juridique franco-allemand in Saarbrücken Professor Witz, she has developed a special expertise in private international law, comparative law, and European economic law which comes in useful when working on commercial litigation cases, civil execution procedures, industrial risk and liability and insurance issues, and transport law matters for the law firm.



  • CAPA bar examination, Strasbourg (2016)
  • LLM “International dispute resolution and European economic law”, Saarland University (2014)
  • “Certificate of English Law Studies”, Warwick University (2012)
  • Master II “International and European law” (integrated common program), Lille II University / Warwick University / Saarbrücken University (2012),
  • Licence in law (European law major: English and German law), Lille II University (2010)


  • French
  • German
  • English

The woman behind the lawyer

Aurélie has a passion for theater. She also runs.